How to Enter
For your photo to act as a submission with the possibility of being featured as a line illustration in the final manuscript of 365 Revolutions, post your photos of radical belonging in one the 52 yoga postures listed below to instagram. The themes listed below are to help activate your sense of creativity while keeping cohesion to the foundation of the book. Tag @365yogarevolutions and add the hashtag #365revolutions. If you don’t have social media, send us your photos via email -
*Chosen entries MUST sign a copy of a model release for the person(s) pictured*
The 52 Postures
Half Splits | Ardha Hanumanasana
Revolved Crescent | Parivrtta Anjaneyasana
Splits | Hanumanasana
Half Pigeon | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Three Legged Dog | Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
Extended Mountain Pose | Utthita Hasta in Tadasana
Tree | Vrksasana
Eagle | Garudasana
Dancer | Natarajasana
Warrior 3 | Virabhadrasana 3
High Lunge | Banarasana
Three Legged Dog w/hip open | Adho Mukha Svanasana
8 point pose | Ashtanga Namaskara
Half Locust | Ardha Salabhasana
Locust | Salabhasana
Half Frog | Ardha Bhekasana
Superman | Viparita Shalabhasana
Bow | Dhanurasana
Chatarunga | Chaturanga Dandasana
Sphinx | Salamba Bhujangasana
Lotus | Padmasana
Bharadvaja’s Twist | Bharadvajasana
Bound Angle | Baddha Konasana
Head to Knee | Janu Sirsasana
Eye of the Needle | Sucirandhrasana
Knees to chest | Apanasana
Downward Facing Dog | Adho mukha svanasana
Forward Fold | Uttanasana
Mountain Pose | Tadasana
Chair | Utkatasana
Plank | Phalakasana
Cobra | Bhujangasana
Table | Bharmanasana
Child’s Pose | Balasana
Modified Gate | Parighasana
Cat/Cow | Marjaiasana/Bitilasana
Sunbird | Chakravakasana
Low Lunge w/ planted palms | Anjaneyasana
Hero Pose | Virasana
Camel Pose | Ustrasana
Melting Heart Pose | Anahatasana
Yogi Squat | Malasana
Goddess | Utkata Konasana
Standing Side Bend | Parsva Urdhva Hastasana
Triangle | Utthita Trikonasana
Warrior 1 | Virabhadrasana I
Warrior 2 | Virabhadrasana 2
Half Moon | Ardha Chandrasana
Reverse Warrior | Viparita Virabhadrasana
Extended Side Angle | Utthita Parsvakonasana
Lizard | Utthan Pristhasana
Themes of the Book
Yoga poses as metaphors representing a people’s history of nation.
The earth/ground as source of truth and revelation of that history.
Yoga poses as contradictions to systemic racism and legacies of supremacy.
People of privilege, access and entitlement questioning their place and the price they pay for it.
Indigenous reframing of past colonial abuses toward a reclamation of sovereignty.
Indigenous people asserting non obedience to colonizing myths.
Reclamation of identity that extends beyond the binary of two genders.
The primacy of love expressed in many variations.
People with disabilities, both visible and non visible, recognizing the gifts of their unique ways of experiencing the world.
People with disabilities challenging and deconstructing the assumptions made about them.
Voices of those abused, finding their origin value, strength and beauty.
The body carrying resonate memory of earth and water as a call to environmental action.
Children’s voices claiming a center of insight and belonging.
A celebration of sentience and mystery below and above our stratosphere.